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Minimal Asset Process 

What is Minimal Asset Process?

A Minimal Asset Process (MAP) bankruptcy gives you a fresh start by writing off debts that you can’t repay within a reasonable time. MAP bankruptcy is aimed at people with a lower income and not many assets.
You’ll also need to meet the following criteria:

  • You live in Scotland or have lived in Scotland in the last year.
  • You’re on a low income.

This can be defined in two ways:

  • Your income is made up solely of income-related benefits such as jobseekers allowance (JSA), or the amount of money you earn covers your essential living costs, but you have nothing left over.
  • Your debts are more than £1,500 and less than £25,000.
  • Your car is worth £3,000 or less.
  • Your other assets are worth less than £2,000 in total, with no single item worth more than £1,000.
  • You’re not a homeowner or own land.
  • You haven’t been bankrupt in the last five years.

We can help you with a variety of debt

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