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Debt Arrangement Scheme

What is a Debt Arrangement Scheme?

The Debt Arrangement Scheme is a debt management tool only available in Scotland. It lets you apply for a debt payment programme (DPP) which helps you repay your debts by making affordable monthly payments.
The total duration of your debt payment plan depends on the amount of debt that you have and how much of it you can manage to repay. Your creditors will continue receiving the monthly payments you agreed on with them.
It can last for any reasonable length of time and, if approved, will freeze all interest, fees and charges on the debts included, resulting in them being waived if you fully complete the programme.
Once you have a debt arrangement scheme in place, you will only be required to make one monthly payment into the debt payment programme. The paid sum of money is then divided between your creditors. You can apply for a DAS, regardless of the amount of money you owe.
Once you and your creditors have agreed on a DAS, your lenders cannot pursue legal action against you. All interest, penalties, fees and charges on your debt will also be frozen.

Things to consider:

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