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Debt Relief Order

Debt Relief Order (DRO)

A debt relief order is a way to have your debts written off if you have a relatively low level of debt and have few assets. DROs are available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Debt relief orders are not available if you live in Scotland.
A DRO freezes your debt repayments and interest for 12 months. If your financial situation hasn’t changed at the end of this period then all of the debts included will be written off. If your situation improves within the 12 months, the DRO will end and you will have to either pay off your unsecured debts and any interest that has built up over that period or find an alternative debt solution.
A debt relief order is an alternative to bankruptcy for people with debts of less than £30,000 (£20,000 in Northern Ireland), who don’t own a home and have £75 a month or less after paying usual household expenses (£50 or less for residents of Northern Ireland).

Things to consider

Is a DRO suitable for me?

DROs are specifically designed for people who have a smaller amount of debts and a lower income, and can be a cheaper alternative to bankruptcy.

To apply for a DRO, you must:

  • Live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland
  • Owe less than £30,0000 (£20,000 in Northern Ireland)
  • Have less than £2,000 in assets (£1,000 in Northern Ireland) and a car
  • Worth no more than £2,000 (£1,000 in Northern Ireland)
  • Have less than £75 in surplus income per month after paying your household bills and living costs (£50 in Northern Ireland)
  • Debt relief orders are not available if you live in Scotland. In Scotland, a minimal assets process (MAP) bankruptcy is a similar solution.

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