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Debt Management Plan

Debt Management Plan (DMP)

A DMP is an informal arrangement between you and your creditors, where you make an affordable monthly payment to repay your unsecured debts such as credit cards, store cards, loans and overdrafts. The amount you may pay back each month will be considered carefully, taking into account your existing household bills so that the payment is within your current means. Payments are calculated on what you can afford and not on what you owe. The amount will also be reviewed regularly to make sure you can still afford your repayments.

Things to consider

Is a DMP suitable for me?

What debts can be included on a DMP?

How long does a DMP last?

The duration of your DMP depends on:

  • How much debt you owe
  • How much you can afford to pay to your debts each month

The more debt you have, and the less you can afford to pay each month, the longer the term of your DMP. However, DMPs are flexible. Should you have an increase in income, or a reduction in spending, you may be able to increase your monthly payment, which would usually reduce the length of your DMP.

How is a monthly DMP payment worked out?

Is a DMP legally binding?

Can my creditors keep charging fees or adding interest during a DMP?

I’m not in debt. I just want to make one payment to my debts each month.

Why do I need to review my DMP payment every year?

Can my DMP financially affect my partner or other people living with me?

We can help you with a variety of debt

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